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Healthcare has often looked at education as "non-productive time that should be limited or eliminated if at all possible". By adopting a different set of core principles, education can be turned into learning that delivers measurable changes in patient outcomes: 1. Everything is about our patient(s) 2. Education ≠ learning 3. Learning = changed outcomes 4. Learning is an expertise (that should be consulted by content experts) 5. Everyone is in Learning

Experiential learning has been proven to cause improvement in healthcare outcomes including a >35% reduction in RN orientation, 10% reduction in infant mortality, 12% increase in HCAHPS, and a positive impact on all areas of the Healthcare Balanced Scorecard. To help health systems embrace experiential learning, Learning in Healthcare has launched a new book "Foundations of Experiential Learning" to provide a faculty development manual for improving outcomes through learning in healthcare.